Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Floods of Mercy

  • We had another simple week of being at home (except church and our small group gathering). But, we did have a visitor stay one night, a friend and roommate of mine from college. She is moving to a town nearby :)
  • On that topic, this friend of mine will be returning in a few days to live with us and help us out in my mom's stead. My mom has to return to her home to help with my dad because he has re-injured his back, is in a lot of pain, needs help with daily tasks, and must have back surgery again! It is very unfortunate. We are hoping that this repetitive surgery will work and be soon. Anyway, my mom may be gone for six weeks. 
  • Yesterday was my spiritual birthday, and I turned 14 faith years :)
  • Well, when it rains, it pours -- at least that has been the case with my placenta yesterday and today because the sheer amount of blood is like a flood! The end of this six-month miscarriage is drawing to a close.
  • Health update: Over the weekend, I reviewed the symptom list I had submitted to the doctor. Lo and behold, I noticed some significant symptoms that are gone and some others that have slightly improved! Praise Jehovah Rophe! Anyway, I have created a google spreadsheet to keep up with my health improvements. The symptoms that are gone are mostly the ones that have come about over the past year. It makes sense that the most recent additions are the first ones to go ;)
 A ballerina pose
 Watching a flick

In the "Where the Wild Things Are" jungle

  • Verse to memorize this week: Colossians 3:17 ~ And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.