Thursday, August 25, 2022

Healing Journey Update 6

Click here to see the entire timeline.

8/19 For over a week, my left ear felt great inner pain (I could not touch anywhere near it or sleep on that side of my body, and it had begun shooting down my face into my jaw, making it hard to chew). I just kept resisting, attacking, and refusing to accept it. I didn’t care what it was, it had to leave this temple! I wasn’t going to tolerate it. After getting worse, it suddenly got better yesterday and is completely gone today - hallelujah!

8/20 Bladder strength is measurably improving; Twitching in legs has noticeably reduced (nerves in entire body are strengthening)

*I was recently thinking about all of my physical improvements and reading through this timeline, and I was so encouraged! While the visible improvements are debatable by skeptics as to their cause or origin, the plethora of inner ones is remarkable and unexplainable (I have not increased or added new pharmaceutical or vitamins, nor have I altered my diet, nor have I added on any new therapies or anything). I will list (recap) some of them: 
  •  Scalp stopped itching
  •  Ear wax has decreased a lot
  •  Mouth sores have mostly stopped appearing
  •  I can sleep on others’ pillows
  •  I don’t get sick (I used to get every single thing the kids got!) 
  •  Bladder and bowel strength have both improved 
  •  The marble-sized lump on my back right love handle has disappeared 
  •  No indigestion, acid reflux, or upset stomach ever 
  •  No more demonic attacks 
  •  Reduced daily pharmaceutical drug dosage of both prescriptions (now taking 1/5&1/3 of the original daily amounts)
  • Both legs have stopped locking up in the hip (really painful)
  •  Body temperature regulating and blood circulation (and color) have improved; I rarely sweat now 
  •  Legs are twitching much less 
  •  Sleep is getting better 
While I notice them all and Ricky recognizes several, I look forward to when outsiders can see what’s happening. I don’t want to judge the state of things with my eyes or feelings (carnally), yet I can’t help but be super excited for the imminent future!

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Healing Journey Update 5

Click here to see the entire timeline.   

8/4 I slept longer than normal, only woke once each of the past two nights briefly to turn over, and didn’t wake in any pain!! 

8/7 I use to have 2-3 mouth sores (on the inside) everyday, and now it’s only one every few days! 

8/8 I begin reducing one drug by a quarter the amount 

8/11 Sleep has definitely improved, waking much less and tossing/turning much less and waking in much less pain 

8/13 Legs are helping to push body up in wheelchair 

*When you speak or declare truth and nothing seems to happen right away, here’s what you don’t do. You don’t think or say in your heart,”Oh, nothing happened,” which is only heaping dirt on that seed just planted, making it take longer to surface. You just revealed unbelief (double-mindedness).. AND, you certainly don’t reinterpret Scripture to make it line up with your experience (thinking that since the Word is true and I need to protect its validity, I need to figure out what it must have really meant.) I did this every time I was prayed for over twenty years. Not realizing that some things take time, like when Jesus cursed the fig tree. It didn’t shrivel up right away but took a day to die (although, it probably stopped getting nutrients right when Jesus spoke). God set up the law of sowing and reaping. Normally, you don’t plant a seed one day and expect to see the harvest the next day (and exclaim, “Oh, it didn’t work!")