Sunday, July 31, 2022

Healing Journey Update 4

Click here to see the entire timeline.   

7/23 I got no sleep last night (exhausted!!) and my legs twitched all day. Despite that, I never felt under attack. I did fight most of the day to keep my guard up and not give the enemy an inroad to turn the exhaustion into affliction or torture. It was an unusual experience for me, but I think it’s significant. 

7/24 Cleaning ears less (once every 3-4 months now instead of monthly); I can do kegels now (I’ve been trying to for years but could only squeeze my butt); My scalp has stopped itching (after eight years!)

7/29 Right leg has been locking up less and less the past couple months and rarely does so now 

7/30 My legs are twitching less overall (both during the day and at night) 

*Jesus said believe that you have received and it will be yours (Mk 11:24, receive—>believe—>see/feel), not receive—>see/feel—>believe (carnal way of thinking; have to physically experience something using the five senses). Jesus encountered this over and over during His ministry— you get what you can believe for!

7/31 No attacks in two months now!

Saturday, July 23, 2022

Healing Journey Update 3

Click here to see the entire timeline.   

7/12 Sickness runs through the household this week, but not me 

7/13 Begin alternating legs when marching in wheelchair

7/14 PT says that I didn’t regress this time (after a trip); turning head to the right and left without falling over while sitting on bededge 

7/15 Although my handwriting doesn’t look vastly different from May and June (because it’s so loopy and swirly; that’s how it’s always been!), I’m able to connect 3-4 letters at a time versus two (cursive)! 

7/16 Able to unbuckle seatbelt in car 

7/18 I began to feel horrible pain inside the lower left part of my back (tender and excruciating to touch, nothing visible, did not feel like a sore or strained muscle) two days ago. After just two days of attacking it and blasting it with Truth, it’s completely gone!! 

7/19 Able to pull core back to center when torso sways a little to the right or left; Able to ease torso down from upright position to lying on knees, instead of flopping down, for crunches 

7/20 I weighed for the first time in eight months and lost over 20 pounds, which is irrelevant but still makes me happy 

*Most of my physical improvements thus far are only noticeable to me, while most of the changes have been internal work (which of course makes sense and is necessary). When you have been plagued by a chronic illness that you live with every moment of every day, the sickness becomes part of your identity— you live sick, you think sick, you are sick through and through… So, the first step has been to destroy all effects of sickness on my soul (mind, emotions, will). [Similar to how bamboo grows— sprouting some the first few years and getting set up before shooting up exponentially.]

Monday, July 11, 2022

Healing Journey Update 2

Click here to see the entire timeline.   

7/4 Buckled the seatbelt in the car for the first time in years; can now consistently do my four different arm/torso stretches without being locked under a table (to prevent me from falling forward)

7/6 I used to be really hot-natured (liked it in the 60s at night in order to sleep and sweated very easily) and always kept it cool in our house all day long, but I now get cold at those same temperatures and can tolerate it much warmer (without sweating and for sleeping!); better blood flow?!

7/7 Met with a woman who had a similar muscular dystrophy as I had and worked out her full healing over two years about a decade ago (heard about her last summer)

7/9 Able to twist spine using one arm to help pull (versus two)

7/10 My love for God (Abba, Jesus, Holy Spirit) only keeps increasing every day! This tops every good result and brings me ever-increasing, constant joy that doesn’t change depending on feeling or circumstance!

*Watering the soil (feeding the seeds/harvest with truth) causes both the grass and weeds to grow. The grass grows steady and the weeds shoot up. The more you are feeding on truth,  the easier it becomes to separate the grass from the weeds and pull up the lies! The truth doesn’t get rid of the lies but makes them stand out, so they’re easier for YOU to pull out… not His job, but our own work. (God doesn’t renew our minds for us! See Romans 12:1-2, Wuest translation)

Sunday, July 3, 2022

Healing Journey Update 1

Click here to see the entire timeline.   

6/24-7/9 Travel by car (trip) — Not much stretching or exercising or routine or quiet time when we travel but attempting to be more intentional about it! [I experienced progress this trip, compared to the one in April!]

6/26 Both of my ankles are bending up and down without my quad interfering and me having to hold my calf down to keep my knee bent about half the time (beginning to isolate muscles)

6/30 I have had no attacks in a month— YAY!! I have had pain every day, but I attack it right away, so the enemy doesn’t get in. The pain flees 5-30 minutes after I begin addressing it and refuse to tolerate it!

7/1 The kids and the four people we stayed with this past week all got a short-lived stomach bug (vomiting/diarrhea), but Ricky and I didn’t 

7/2 I used to need to warm up my calves and feet before bed every single night in order to fall asleep, but that has been necessary less and less over the past six months. And now, it’s only necessary about once every week or two! (Increased blood flow?!)