Wednesday, March 2, 2011

What Rights I Demand

I just finished reading Job in the Amplified Bible, and this version adds a little summary to the last verse of the next-to-last chapter in this book:

[And now, Job, who are you who dares not arouse the unmastered crocodile, yet who dares resist Me, the beast's Creator, to My face? Everything under the heavens is Mine; therefore, who can have a claim against God?] ~ Job 41:34 endnote, emphasis mine
This stopped me in my tracks. How often do I live, maybe not with words but in actions, as if I have rights? As an indoctrinated American (I am not bashing this great land that I love), I have been raised thinking that I have three inalienable rights: life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. But before God, the Creator of all, I must learn that I have no rights. If I do not get my way, I cannot go before God and whine and demand my (American) rights. How dare I say anything to Him about what I deserve? How often do I think that I do not deserve this or that I deserve better?! I deserve nothing. I deserve hell. Period. He may grant me rights, but I cannot demand anything of Him.

Who am I?

Everything, every day, every breath is purely a gift. Knowing this, how could I not give thanks in all things?
“Tomorrow's never promised, but it is we swear.
Think we holding our own, just a fist full of air.
God has never been obligated to give us life.
If we fought for our rights, we'd be in hell tonight.” ~ Lecrae

Thank You, Jesus, for Your saving grace for this undeserving mess called self!