Thursday, March 17, 2011

Who Pays the Hitman

I thought I would just copy parts of an email we received this week regarding taxpayers funding Planned Parenthood, along with a short video link:

"Two weeks ago we sent our media team into the middle of a rally organized to defend taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood. We wanted to expose what the defenders of Planned Parenthood really believe.

What we witnessed left us speechless.

Click here to watch our new video.

The abortion industry is often portrayed as a big-hearted caring industry that simply wants to serve low-income women. Their supporters claim that stripping Planned Parenthood and abortion providers of taxpayer funds will hurt everyone.

Of course this is a lie. Planned Parenthood is billion-dollar organization that is chiefly concerned with one thing -- the destruction of innocent human life.

Some of the footage we captured will shock you. Some of it will make you sad. But I hope it will encourage you to take action.

The fight over taxpayer support for Planned Parenthood is about much more than budgets and deficits. The fight is ultimately about our vision for America -- a vision that cherishes mothers, families and the gift of human life.

Our vision is one of hope. Theirs is filled with anger and hopelessness."