We pray that everyone had a blessed weekend celebrating Jesus' birthday!
We have not participated in the gift-giving part yet with either of our families, but we hope to this week.
Aolani's seventh tooth (a sharp dagger) has broken through over the weekend.
Here is our talented "Farfy" (my nickname for her) reading upside down! I can't do that! [She got her first real cut with blood and all last week playing too rough.]
Here we are returning to our igloo after the Christmas Eve service.
Pretty in purple in her Christmas dress:
She got to open one of her presents from Grandma and Pawpaw Oliver.
She would not let go of the bag. We're just hoping that Jack the Rabbit stays attached, despite her violent attempts to behead him.
There haven't been any videos lately because my camera has been down and out for awhile. But, I finally collected some of her recent tricks for you, including her wave and "Uh-oh."
Verse to memorize this week: Colossians 4:6 ~ Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.