Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Hearty Laughter

  • Just the normal events of another week... We had beautiful weather over the weekend, allowing us to spend ample time outdoors -- picnic, park, play :) 
  • Aolani turns five years old next week, which means I am having her first-ever birthday party with friends on Valentine's Day! [I am planning on letting each kid have three big parties while living at home -- ages 5, 12/13, 18. The others will just be family parties.] It is a lot of planning and preparing. Aolani is super-excited for her heart-themed tea party :)
  • I wanted to mention that Voice of the Martyrs has a weekly half-hour radio program you can listen to whenever here :)
  • I have to share these online videos we watched last night about a Cambodian sweat shop. There are 5 episodes, each about 10-minutes. It's neat to see others have eye-opening experiences.
  • Storytime: Teresa and I are watching a movie in the office and Ricky had gone out for guys' night after the kids were down for bed one night last week. Even though we could hear the pitter-patter of Aolani's feet and hear her voice quietly and rarely for a couple hours, we then heard a click-click noise (of a specific container in the fridge). Although I wanted to ignore it, I knew that I needed to address this situation and go parent (plus, it's 10:30 p.m.) ;) After checking out the state of the kitchen, I grabbed a flashlight and headed into the bedroom. It was dark, and there was a blanket hanging down covering the lower bunk bed. I roll over to it, pull it down, and see four large brown eyes staring at me! Clothes, cheese, tons of toys, bins, blankets, applesauce, wet sheets, water bottles... a full picnic-party in bed! Oh my! I am so glad that God allowed me to discover their deceit while they're young and the situation is funny compared to the deceitful teenager sneaking out of the house :)
Draw Snowmen Blind game -- so fun for us all ;)

  • School verse: Proverbs 20:3 ~ Only fools insist on arguing.
  • Verses to memorize this week: Psalm 16:9-10 Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure, because you will not abandon me to the realm of the dead, nor will you let your faithful one see decay.