Friday, March 15, 2013

Officially Two Toddlers

  • We are in the midst of our hectic hospitality season right now. My mom came to visit most of last week (come back!). Then, we had a family from church come for dinner and games. My grandparents came to visit us one day and got to see Micaiah for the first time :) A soon-to-be-married couple came over for dinner and games. A friend from church came for dinner one evening, and we skyped with his wife in China the whole meal ;) Then, my great-aunt passed over the weekend, and we went to her funeral on Tuesday (I had never cried at a funeral before this one; she was a great Christian influence and witness). Yesterday was our day off, and tonight we prepared dinner and took it with our kids to our good friend's house to watch them for us while Ricky and I went to a pregnancy care center banquet. It was a super late night for our kiddos, but our friend gave them baths and put on their jammies for us! (And, our friend's hubby was gone for the evening leaving her with their three little kids, another on the way, and our two -- crazy! But if anyone can handle five kids under six years old while being in your third trimester, she can! She's a Grace-dependent Superwoman!)
  • In the midst of all the activity, Micaiah has decided to take off on his own and start walking. It is so adorable to watch him proudly toddle. He walks with his hands up like he is being held up all the time ;)
  • Aolani got her booster seat for the kitchen chair out of the closet last week to use. [The one she adamantly rejected when we first got it out for her a few weeks ago; I guess she wanted to decide when/if to use it.] Micaiah, of course, loves to pull it onto the floor to sit in it himself!
  • Just tonight in the car on the way home: Aolani: Daddy, I fell in the tweet. Me: You fell in the tweet? Aolani: No, Mommy. I'm talking to Daddy. Not you. [Sigh...]

Finger-painting for the first time

My sweet lamb
Micaiah loves Aolani's Elmo books / Aolani has learned to ride this borrowed tricycle

with my grandparents
Aolani saw the open stage and microphone and took over
  • Verses to memorize this week: James 3:17 ~ But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.