Today, we give God much thanks for five years of union. As we were contemplating what truths we have learned (
learning still, of course), the following
post I wrote (edited, from 8/16/10) came to mind:
- Lead by following. Follow
Him, and you will lead others to Him. Think of a Mambo line with Jesus
leading and you're holding on to Him next in line. Lead by
- During our trip to Seattle, an engaged woman asked me for a quick nugget of
marital advice. Typically, I would have frozen, stumbled over my words, and
possibly have offered something unintelligible and dull in my moment of stage
fright. Much to my surprise, I measured up and gave a quick, clear retort. And
it was GOOD. Let me share it with you: "In marriage, it is not right
versus wrong. It is different. My thoughts and my ways are not
right and his wrong. They are different." I must add that this little insight
has increased our respect for one another and the overall peace in our
relationship. I do not have this down pat. It is not easy for me. And, I'll
humbly and freely admit that I rarely succeed at implementation...
- Ricky and I were on a date playing chess (yes, again). Ricky mentioned how
the Queen is the most powerful piece in chess with that twinkle in his eye
telling me that he's referring to more than chess. And I remark that while the
Queen is more powerful than the King, the only reason that she is given that
power is to use her strength to protect the King. Let me
encourage wives to not use your strengths over your husband but
for him. We must battle for him in order to build him up. You and he
are on the same side!