Sunday, October 30, 2011

Love in the Morning and Faithfulness at Night

"It is good to praise the LORD
and make music to your name, O Most High,
proclaiming your love in the morning
and your faithfulness at night,
Psalm 92:1-2

I read this chapter the other day, and the second verse already had me doing a double take ;)

David associates here God's love with morning and His faithfulness with night?! Who does that? That's a new thought for me as I have always heard and thought the opposite. I have always associated the morning with God's faithfulness because His faithfulness is proven to creation with the rising of the sun, the coming of the dawn, and nature's whispers of a new day. And, of course, we think of His love at night because it is comforting to know and feel loved even after all the day's trials and errors so that you can fall asleep soundly. David must be trying to make a point or get the reader's attention here with a new revelation. But what is it, I wonder?

What if I began each day proclaiming His love? If I started my day holding onto the assurance of His love for me? Would I respond to each situation that arises differently? Would I be more confident in my decisions, more at peace realizing that I am loved by Him no matter what?

He is faithful at night -- this truth hit me a little deeper. When I awake during the night, I want presence more than knowledge. Knowing that He loves me is marvelous, but midnight wakings can be lonely and frustrating. As someone who has been attacked by demons at night, let me tell you that love is grand and all, but I needed help and presence. I needed Jesus to come. Now. [And He did, of course!] But, if I started proclaiming His faithfulness during the night -- wow. I mean, grasping that He is faithfully with me while I toss and turn and that I am not alone? That is what I most need to hear and know in that hour. This is big stuff.

Proclaiming His love in the morning and His faithfulness at night,