Wednesday, July 6, 2016

It's a Bird... It's an Airplane...

  • Last week -- Ricky had to go to a court reporting conference out of town which made for ten hours of driving for him and looong days for me. We got to take the kids to our movie theater to see a free movie one morning (a summer deal they do), We had to go to our storage unit to meet the cleaning company and bring back boxes of kids' clothes. We had some friends over for dinner one evening. And, it was our last week of school (Kindergarten and Preschool; yes, I cried reading my last preschool story)! The weekend included visiting some friends who had a baby 12 hours after our visit! We so enjoyed a summer party for our church -- water play, games, food, friends... And, we went to church, too ;)
  • This week so far -- summer break officially began and we reorganized, enjoyed art, finished a science experiment, created a box maze house, started a new puzzle, packed for vacation which begins today, and opened the box of next year's Sonlight curriculum books (which the kids loved and occupied them all week!) 

Their first tug-of-war (Aolani won several one-on-one competitions too!)

Sack races

Ricky's Father's Day card
Shaving cream fireworks
The new Sonlight first-grade curriculum box of books!
  • Summer verse for this week: 1 John 4:7  ~ Let us love one another, for love comes from God.
  • Verse to memorize this week: 2 Corinthians 4:11  For we who are alive are always being given over to death for Jesus’ sake, so that his life may also be revealed in our mortal body.