Thursday, May 23, 2013

Six and Rain

  • We celebrated our sixth wedding anniversary over the weekend while Ricky's parents were here. We took his parents to Blowing Rock, but it was rainy and foggy the whole time. The little town looked completely different as a result. They took us to a restaurant that only serves local food from sustainable sources! Ricky and I went on a date that evening while the grandparents babysat (and I didn't leave any milk for their bed time; they did fine though). We had a nice dinner at a cafe in an old, elegant house followed by Iron Man 3 in the theater.
  • Ricky has been busy making several friends with guys close to his age. As a result, his physical activity is on the rise (Frisbee golf, tennis...), and he has started a group of guys that like to write (fashioned after The Inklings) to get together and share literature/projects.
  • Aolani's antics: always wants to get to pray out loud before dinner (and thank Jesus for her mommy, daddy, food, all her friends, the weather, grace, help... it's beautiful), picks her brother up off the ground when giving him a big bear hug, loves her tracing workbook, likes to play n' seek with poker chips, and enjoys Play-doh (we used cookie cutters today with it, and that was a hit)...
  • Micaiah's mishaps: is pronouncing more and more syllables (I think he might start talking before his sister did), discovered how to walk backwards, can climb on and off his riding toys, copies his sister when she runs across the house, has established his very own "man cave" in a little secluded corner (for reading, resting, personal space, and pooping), elicits his sister's help in building pillow forts under the kitchen table, has gotten tall enough to reach up onto the kitchen counters, climbs up the bookshelf poles to try to reach the light switch, loves to empty the bookshelves (still!), doesn't mind getting his hand slapped for shaking the floor lamp or pulling its cord, plops backwards into my lap to read books, and does this adorable shuffling thing I call "happy feet" when he is giddy ;)

When Aolani refused to take a nap one day, I made her sit on the couch and read quietly during afternoon rest time. Yeah, she lasted two minutes before I caught her snoozing away.
the new teeter-totter (Micaiah can even get on and off by himself)
  • Verse to memorize this week: 2 Corinthians 2:14 ~ But thank God! He has made us his captives and continues to lead us along in Christ’s triumphal procession. Now he uses us to spread the knowledge of Christ everywhere, like a sweet perfume.