Ricky is going to laugh at me. How often am I found doing several things at once? I consistently am multitasking. Or dreaming of what I wish I was doing instead of what I am doing. But do I ever focus on ONE thing, the present thing (the thing at hand), and do it well? Now that there is a baby with nonstop wants and needs, this really seems far-fetched. Maybe it's not. I am not bashing multitasking or daydreaming, but I do not want to dismiss the moments at hand to excel for the sake of something else. I am sure there is a balance to be discovered. You know the cliché - Be where you are. I guess that's a good place to start.
Tip: Do one thing and do it well.
Application: I am a beginner, so I am going to start by taking two minutes to just focus on my breathing. When I pay attention to my breathing, I noticed that I breathe slower and deeper. And now my health gets a boost, too :)
Only one thing is needed... so let's do that well.