Saturday, July 23, 2022

Healing Journey Update 3

Click here to see the entire timeline.   

7/12 Sickness runs through the household this week, but not me 

7/13 Begin alternating legs when marching in wheelchair

7/14 PT says that I didn’t regress this time (after a trip); turning head to the right and left without falling over while sitting on bededge 

7/15 Although my handwriting doesn’t look vastly different from May and June (because it’s so loopy and swirly; that’s how it’s always been!), I’m able to connect 3-4 letters at a time versus two (cursive)! 

7/16 Able to unbuckle seatbelt in car 

7/18 I began to feel horrible pain inside the lower left part of my back (tender and excruciating to touch, nothing visible, did not feel like a sore or strained muscle) two days ago. After just two days of attacking it and blasting it with Truth, it’s completely gone!! 

7/19 Able to pull core back to center when torso sways a little to the right or left; Able to ease torso down from upright position to lying on knees, instead of flopping down, for crunches 

7/20 I weighed for the first time in eight months and lost over 20 pounds, which is irrelevant but still makes me happy 

*Most of my physical improvements thus far are only noticeable to me, while most of the changes have been internal work (which of course makes sense and is necessary). When you have been plagued by a chronic illness that you live with every moment of every day, the sickness becomes part of your identity— you live sick, you think sick, you are sick through and through… So, the first step has been to destroy all effects of sickness on my soul (mind, emotions, will). [Similar to how bamboo grows— sprouting some the first few years and getting set up before shooting up exponentially.]