Saturday, January 2, 2021

November 2020

  • Activities during the month of November: We went to church and lunch with O family friends; took our Filipino neighbors to vote for their first time; B family friends came for an overnight visit from Morganton (3 additional boys); Aolani goes away for five days to visit "adopted” grandparents (and misses her loud and busy family!); began to attend a house church that meets Saturday afternoons (love the time!); attend a Filipino Thanksgiving at our neighbors the Sunday before and then took them with us to Dayspring (my parents’ farm) to experience their first American Thanksgiving; hang our beautiful bright blue shutters; and, attend two family Zoom meetings for the holiday.
  • Raphael’s yes sounds like “yis” ;)
  • Micaiah has been saying words that sound similar to the word he means (so cute). I.e. “That is so confusing" but meaning That is so complicated ;)
  • School verses: Aolani and Micaiah -- Romans 8:28, Philippians 4:6-7
  • Verses I memorized: John 1:23-26