Tuesday, December 15, 2020

October 2020

  • Activities during the month of October: Friends came over to help Ricky paint our front door and shutters a bright blue I selected (we feel like real homeowners now!) and we celebrated with a cookout); had family friends over for dinner; the E family (minus two) visit one weekend (yes, we fit 13 in our 3-bedroom house;) ) complete with games and visits to the neighbors; Teresa comes visit from Florida for a few nights (never long enough!); Ricky and I (and baby Morgan) drive to Dallas to attend a JGLM conference on healing and leave the three older kids with my parents (where they have a blast and take a mini vacation to Myrtle Beach); we celebrate Raphael’s third birthday at Dayspring; we have JAARS friends (fellow missionaries we trained with during Equip at Wycliffe’s headquarters in Orlando) over for a reunion party; and, a dear friend from the NC coast comes and visits for a day.
  • At the very end of the month, I began to nurse only in the morning and supplement with formula r. It had become too stressful trying to have to keep finding donor milk to supplement since Morgan’s appetite increased in September and my supply didn’t. Plus, he was five months now. 
  • I feel so bad not recording all the funny memories, but I’m reaching the end of my capabilities of managing it all with the time I have :(
  • School verses: Aolani and Micaiah -- Psalm 8:7-9, Micah 6:8
  • Verses I memorized: John 1:19-22