Wednesday, September 2, 2020

July 2020

  • Activities during the month of July: I have my final postpartum appointment; Aolani has her final tutoring session; my mom visits for a couple weeks to help us get caught up on sleep; Ricky leads a Bible study for our neighbor’s family in the Philippines; we attend a Fourth of July celebration next door; we begin our almost weekly prayer walks in our neighborhood; kids go to JAARS for a play date; finish our James Bible study and break for a month; friends come help assemble a big trampoline from the grandparents; share dinner with neighbors a few times; attend a birthday party for one of Micaiah’s friends; big kids begin taking Taekwondo lessons taught by a neighbor outside; Ricky meets up with a fellow Asburian for lunch; we meet with a friends for lunch on our way to Morganton to visit our close friends, see their new baby, and attend a birthday party they put on for their July kiddos; and, Ricky began our missionary work with the International Media Services department (from home) since we got to 100% of our recurring financial support pledged by the end of June!! It was a buzzer beater!>
  • School verses: Aolani and Micaiah -- Romans 8:1, Psalm 100:1-3
  • Verses I memorized: John 1:6-10