Tuesday, September 29, 2020

August 2020

  • Activities during the month of August: Besides our normal activities, my mom visits for a couple days; I see a neurologist about the pain in my left ankle; a prayer team comes over to pray with me; the kids attend a VBS in SC; Ricky meets a mentor for lunch; the Bible study with our Filipino neighbors restarts; Aolani and I go to a new dentist (we both have cavities we were told!); we do EOG testing for both big kids; Ricky joins a neighborhood fantasy football league; we go with friends to their church and meet other friends from Wilmington for lunch; we begin third (Micaiah) and fifth (Aolani) grades; we make a day-trip to visit my paternal grandparents in Greensboro and get to see my brother and parents also; Aolani gets a cavity taken care of; and, we go to our local Farmers Market (we like it!)
  • Morgan turned three months and instantly became more interactive and giggled for the first time! Another happy and easy baby! However, I am feeding him with the breast and bottle (breastmilk), which is quite a bit more work than I am used to from nursing only.
  • We (mostly Aolani) are “teaching” Raphael: letter-tracing, activities from Slow & Steady, arts and crafts projects, and helping the big kids with their chores :) 
  • School verses: Aolani and Micaiah -- Psalm 100:4-5
  • Verses I memorized: John 1:11-14