Sunday, March 10, 2019

The Good, the Bad & the Ugly

  • First week of February: My mom returned home with us to stay for a week and help us get unpacked somewhat; she babysat so we could go visit friends for the Super Bowl; a friend came over to cut our hair, mine too (I had a foot whacked off to donate to Children with Hair Loss— my ninth hair donation); and, we all went to the chiropractor and dentist.
  • Second week of February: This was the week to reconnect and play with all of our friends — two sleepovers, small group, 2 play dates, a dinner with friends, and a lice invasion (we are pretty sure that we got it from a house in Georgia.)
  • Third week of February: A friend comes over for game and pizza and movie; Ricky shares at church while I stay home with the two little boys with sinus infections; Aolani celebrates her ninth birthday by putting on a rose party for two neighbor girls (she even made her own cupcakes!); and, our friend briefly returned to comb out any remaining nits.
  • Fourth week of February: We had a very relaxing visit with Ricky dad and brother and stayed home; the big kids hung out with friends all day after church while Ricky took me to a bridal shower in Black Mountain; we shared dinner twice with friends; Ricky gave Aolani her first tennis lesson (Ricky really wanted to start P.E. with the kids); and, Ricky took the boys to the doctor for non-emergencies (six weeks of hoarseness for the baby and a huge, stubborn plantar wart for Micaiah).
  • Raphael's romps: He loves Ricky and calling out Dada for him; when he is done nursing, he will sit up in my lap and stretch his arms up to Aolani to get him; adores bananas; rubs everywhere; does sign language for milk; and, wakes up once or twice a night still :(
  • We can really see God’s hand of protection on us during the trip now as we look back retrospectively. On the trip, we avoided bad illness requiring a doctor’s visit, emergencies, and contracting lice (even though we stayed at a house with lice). Yet within two weeks of being home, we take the boys to the doctor, Aolani has to go to Urgent Care for a deep gash needing a tetanus shot, all three males get sinus infections, and we all get... lice! (Lice is super annoying, requiring 20 hot loads of laundry, lots of combing and showers with lice shampoo, quarantining stuffed animals, and sleeping in shower caps twice a week apart...)
  • School verses: Micaiah -- Isaiah 55:6-7, Proverbs 15:1, Psalm 23:1 ; Aolani -- Isaiah 26:3-4, Matthew 12:34
  •  Verses I memorized: Jeremiah 17:9, 1 Corinthians 1:8-9, Isaiah 40:29