Sunday, November 16, 2014

I Want My Home

"I want my home to be a place of connection, I’ll ask genuine questions and get to know the people in my home.
If I want my home to be a safe place to make a mistake, I’ll lower my standards for myself first, be forgiving of my own mistakes, laugh at myself–and allow others to see that.
If I want my home to be inspiring, I’ll pay attention to what inspires me.
If I want my home to be real, I’ll learn to embrace the imperfect, find the beauty in the undone, the broken, the unkempt, the everydayness and the mess.
If I want my home to be comfortable, I’ll first stop apologizing and focus on others instead of myself.
If I want my home to be a place of rest, I’ll consider my attitude and the tone I set when I am home. I’ll allow and plan for restful spaces.
This is the kind of home and beauty we have to fight for.
Anyone can put pretty stuff in a room.
It takes intention to furnish a home with grace and rest and acceptance. I’m up for the challenge. 
I want to see past the worst and focus on the better. I want to search for the real beauty just waiting to be recognized. I want to make a home on purpose — with purpose.
I’m making home a safe, inspiring and life-giving place so we can go out and be what who we were created to be.
The Joneses don’t need to be kept up with — and secretly, they are tired of setting the mythical standard.
Homes are there to serve people, not the other way around.
May your home serve you and others so fully that it’s worn thin and beautiful in all the right places."
~ Myquillyn Smith