Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A Change in the Making

  • My parents came for a visit over the weekend, and I always feel like it's a race against time when they are here -- so much to do! We celebrated my mom's birthday by driving to the delicious Tupelo Honey restaurant and surprising my mom by having her aunt and cousins meet us there.
  • My sinus infection (self-diagnosis) got better, returned, hit everybody in our family, went into my eyes, and is lingering :( To breathe again...
  • We moved the tall, baby crib from the main room to the (family) bedroom. It's a big change. I still have a lot of figuring out to do as far as nursing, diaper changing, holding/playing/working, eating, napping -- for two little, nonverbal children. Plus, a wheelchair! Yeah, a lot of figuring out. There is no routine yet, but it will come with time :) When it does, I'll share. Right now, Aolani is napping in the bedroom and Micaiah is sleeping in the sling on me while I type.
  • Since the crib is in the bedroom, the bedroom door is unlocked as Micaiah naps frequently. It used to be locked. Now, I have to teach her bedroom etiquette, like don't pull out all of the tissues in the box or play with the heating blanket cord or throw all of the clothes from the dressers into the main room... We just put a lock on the closet to avoid that hassle.
  • All was going smoothly this morning with Micaiah awake but peacefully sitting on my lap in the sling, and Aolani and I playing with post-it flags on the oven door. I thought how great this day was going to be. Five time-outs (should of been 20) and many tears later...
  • I don't know if this is a common problem, but whenever we keep Aolani up past her normal bedtime, she wakes up earlier in the morning. So, the later we put her to bed, the less sleep we all get :(
  • Verses to memorize this week: Romans 4:20-2 ~ Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised. This is why “it was credited to him as righteousness.”