Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Interceding Spirit Brings Comfort

"...because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people
in accordance with the will of God."
Romans 8:27

This is the last bit of the verses I memorized this past week, but oh man! I just cannot get over it. This has got to be one of the most comforting verses in the Bible.

Why? For two reasons:
  1. There are just so many things to pray for, just in my own life! Same goes for every person, no doubt. I cannot keep up with all of my own prayer needs. What could be better than knowing that the Holy Spirit is literally praying for all of my needs and constantly bringing me before the throne of God in prayer?! So, even when I either haven't shared a certain prayer request with anyone or feel like a certain need isn't being prayed for -- that specific request is being prayed for by the third person of the Trinity Himself! Have no fear that you or a certain ("forgotten") need is going unacknowledged!

  2. The Spirit is interceding for you in accordance with the will of God. I know that is a given, but still, it is comforting to know. I often feel unsure of His will for specific situations or needs in my life. Therefore, I'm a little hesitant about how to pray specifically for such and such a need I might have. But, the Spirit is able to pray very specifically for each need I have as He prays according to God's will! And we know that God hears the prayer that is prayed in accordance with His will (1 John 5:14).

Hallelujah! We are not only being prayed for, but our requests are being presented to God according to His will! Phew -- how comforting -- that takes a load off of me :)