Sunday, September 6, 2009

Drumroll please...'s a GIRL! Yes, the ultrasound lady was confident that the baby had "a girl butt." As my dad would say, "No tallywacker." We are thrilled, and particularly excited since her cousin is also a girl and less than a year older! I will announce her name in another posting, as it deserves its own post.

Here are some of the ultrasound pictures:

Notice the little "girl butt" above.

Just a little note: I have not yet had time to create our baby's "green" registry, although I plan on creating a few that will be exclusively online. I will send out (post) those links as soon as I can get to it. We are going to try and raise our baby healthily and in a good environment (free from the toxins and chemicals in which baby clothes and toys are doused). Not that we expect gifts, but for those who wish to give a gift, we ask for you to wait for the registries. Thank you for understanding! I will be given a couple of baby showers in the winter months ahead :)