Friday, December 2, 2022

Healing Journey Update 11

Click here to see the entire timeline. 

11/14 I was praying and when I thought about moving to Dallas, I was suddenly overwhelmed by God’s love. Surprised, I opened my eyes and the navy blue wall decal in front of me started glowing hot pink — beautiful! (It’s of 1 John 4:18, Perfect love casts out fear.)

11/16 Move left ankle sitting up more

11/17 My first out-of-town car ride where my legs didn’t twitch at all! (I sorta knew this was coming because my legs twitched very little in the car during our last trip to Dallas a few weeks ago.)

11/18 I don’t know when this happened exactly, but I suddenly realized that I was no longer waking up in lots of pain! I had been all year, but it must have  lessening over the past month or two. 

11/20 Whenever I nap now, my legs remain calm!

11/21 The muscles in my sides are finally growing and helping me stay upright more and fall over sideways less

11/24 Regarding our move Dallas in a couple weeks, it seriously has been almost unbelievable how everything (down to the littlest detail!) has worked out perfectly and quickly. 

11/23&27 My second out-of-town car ride where my legs didn’t twitch at all!

12/2 After three months of not sleeping well (it had improved before the deliverance in September but became a battleground once again, so I’ve been fighting to get back this ground), it’s finally getting better (it wasn’t pain or twitching, just couldn’t get comfortable or fall asleep)

*When we are saved, the incorruptible seed is planted in us (His life and nature; 1 Peter 1:23). We water it with the Word and rivers of living water, Holy Spirit (Jn 6:30). It doesn’t just happen (get watered and grow). It’s our job to study, know, and do the Word. It’s our job to stir up the gift (reference to Holy Spirit, not one of the many spiritual gifts listed in Corinthians). Then, the incorruptible seed grows until fruit (Galatians 5:22-23) is produced! Fruit is grown over time, while gifts are given in a moment.