Thursday, December 9, 2021

Tossing Acorns

We celebrated Thanksgiving with my side of the family. For the big meal, I put an acorn at everyone’s place. Here’s what I wrote about it:

There’s an acorn at everyone’s placemat. The acorn is supposed to represent a bad thought, whether it’s come from you or Satan dropped it into your mind. I heard recently how the easiest time to resist the devil and take the thought captive is when it first falls or pops up. You can just go pick the acorn up and toss it out. But if you leave it for even a little while and there affore, shoots will pop out and try to root down. And the longer you leave it, the deeper the roots go and the bigger the tree. Making it harder it harder to uproot and tear down. So, we can give thanks that God gives us the wisdom and ability and strength to pick up these acorns and throw them away! 

If you want, you can share an acorn (negative thought or fear) that you want to identify and resist, in addition to something from this past year that you are thankful for and why.