Sunday, April 26, 2020

March 2020

  • Activities during the month of March besides a lot unpacking fun: My mom returned home to convalescence; Ricky updated at the DMV; went to Morganton one day to run errands, meet people for dinner and church elders; met with our new housecleaner, a sweet Hispanic lady who comes every other week; had a family that we trained with in Florida two years ago over for dinner; Ricky met with a retired judge for lunch; met with the doula for the birth; the big kids got to attend a homeschool P.E. group twice; had two more families over for dinners; my parents came two separate weekends to help with more unpacking projects; the midwives come to our home to meet and have our first prenatal appointment; meet with our backup doula; the social distancing and quarantine begins mid-month; since we gave away our television screen when we moved, our family pizza/movie night has become pizza/game night (which we have all enjoyed; and, Ricky has joined his department’s prayer and staff meetings via Zoom.
  • Raphael’s romps: calls poop ‘boop’ and toots are’doodies’ ; is all boy (loves being loud, vehicles, gun sounds, balls, kicking, is rough and tough, bugs, food, outdoors, dirt...); and, is very organized and neat :)
  • School verses: Aolani and Micaiah -- Psalm 24:3-10
  • Verses I memorized: I am reviewing Psalm 103 for this baby.