Saturday, December 28, 2019

Resolution for 2020

The intro is from my post six years ago on resolutions (just because it still accurately expresses my thoughts!):

"Let me start by saying that just hearing the phrase New Year's resolutions rubs me wrong. I think that one reason is because weight loss is the first thing to come to mind because it is so common. Also, no one actually keeps them or remembers them after a few months. So they seem pointless and not very profitable.

But... it is hard for me to let such an opportunity to pass me by. I relish times of purpose to be still and reflect. [I sound like a Mary -- haha, but I really am a Martha-doer struggling to find (designate) time to be still and reflect.

If God does not forbid it, and it strengthens your love-relationship with Christ, then I want to take advantage! Not that I cannot make "resolutions" other times of the year, but I have to be somewhat forced to sit back and reflect or it just does not happen because life is constantly demanding! Since this new year's time is already designated for making resolutions, then I'm going to let it "force" me :)

I find that I frequently need to evaluate my life in all areas to keep it going in the direction I want it to (towards glorifying God, of course). I hate regret and don't want to be on my death-bed, looking back on my life, and thinking, "If only I had done something with that part of my life back when I had the chance before it spiraled out of control."

The best way to change anything is to alter my spiritual life and let God have more access to my heart so He can bring true and lasting change to myself..."

2020 is going to be quite the crazy, hectic year with a new house, new job and new baby! It appears daunting, but I know it is full of good gifts. So, I want to make sure that I focus rightly on Jesus, go slow and enjoy the moments, and maintain constant joy and gratitude. I am going to keep my resolution super simple and intentional:

Just read one chapter of the Bible a day, preferably in the morning. Not only is the Word of God my life, but if my kids don’t see that, then I’m wasting these days with them. I don’t want it to be for naught. What’s the point if I’m not getting to know God better?

Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You alone have the words of eternal life."   John 6:68

Man does not live on bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.   Matthew 4:4