Saturday, September 14, 2019

Summer Son Enjoyment

  • First week of August: My mom took Micaiah home with her to spend his week alone with the grandparents; we loved on Aolani by letting her have a sleepover with her best friend, watching Ever After together, playing games and more; went to a pre-wedding reception picnic at a park; and, we had a breakfast, two lunches and a dinner with friends.
  • Second week of August: We met my parents halfway to trade the big kids and let Aolani have her week alone with the grandparents; we loved on Micaiah by letting him have two play dates with his best friend, taking him and Raphael to the the movie theater for a family showing of the live action Lion King, playing games and more; Ricky took me out for a lunch date one day after we got something notarized; and, met my parents halfway again to get our girl!
  • Third week of August: We went over to friends for dinner; attended a rehearsal dinner for a wedding that Aolani got to read 1 Corinthians 13 in the next day (she was so excited and did a beautiful job!); Micaiah had a play date one afternoon; had a cookout with some close friends; Ricky received some farm animal training to help out our friends and then he went kayaking again with his guys’ night group (not in the dark this time!); spent a day with my aunt and uncle and went to their pool; and, the kids and cooked meals for another family one afternoon :)
  • Fourth week of August: We went to Charlotte for a few days and met with several friends; had a friend come over to babysit all day one day while Ricky took me to court to witness for a friend (but ended up not needing to), so we went on another lunch date; Ricky met a mentor for lunch; and, he took the big kids to play laser tag for their first time as a surprise for completing another school year:)
  • Raphael's romps: U I have missed documenting so many milestones and notes here! He was really attached to Mama this month but usually it’s Dada; is learning his body parts; loves balls and is naturally athletic (started kicking on his own a while ago; and, really started to adore trains. He likes sleep a lot and will even run to his bed if he’s really tired!!
  • School verses: Micaiah -- Proverbs 1:7 ; Aolani — Romans 8:28, 31
  • Verses I memorized: 1 Peter 4:13-14, Psalm 103:1-2