Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Growing with Your Children

Several times this past year, I have felt like I am at my wits’ end with the kids. I began to have suspicions that it had something to do with not adjusting my parenting as they grew older.

For four years straight, I would annually create new charts for chores, school schedule and consequences according to their personalities, struggles, and abilities. But the past two years have been such an upheaval, that I never got around to it and thought that it would be okay if I skipped a year. I missed it again at the beginning of the year. I was paying for it.

A few weeks ago Ricky watched the kids one day and let me regroup. I made three new charts for chores, screentime rules, and consequences. They have really helped bring me some order, relief, and peace. Kids need age-appropriate expectations.

I won’t be skipping next year!