Wednesday, May 15, 2013

I Want to Do a TV (Activity)

  • Last week my mom was here with us, which is always a treat. Ricky and I had two outings planned, so Grandma babysat for us :) We had dentist appointments one afternoon, and I shared my testimony with the youth one evening. This was only my second time being away from Micaiah during bed time since his birth. He did great (so did Aolani). I left them some milk (that was the last bottle), and they split it, drinking it from a cup with a straw. Anyway, my dad joined us Friday evening for dinner. On Saturday we went to the farmers' market, their hotel swimming pool, and out for Thai food. Mother's Day was celebrated simply but nicely at a farm-to-table restaurant after church. 
  • Oh, Aolani and I played a fun, new game (Spot It, Jr. - Animals) for ages four and up, but she caught on quick and even beat me a couple times!
  • Ezra and his family (our great friends) came over for our monthly get-together, and we loved every minute we shared. [We alternate cooking the meal each month.]
  • As I was researching the Amazon Prime program this week, I discovered that joining automatically gives me Amazon Mom status, which means 20% off of diapers and wipes. I was already ordering them from Amazon anyway. We didn't want to join if it meant spending  additional money, but once I added up numbers, I realized that by joining we actually save money! So now, we get all the Prime member benefits and save some cash -- yay!
  • I finally got around to finding a new feeds reader since Google Reader is pulling the plug in July, I read about several and ended up choosing Feedly. It synced with Google Reader and took me less than ten minutes to have it up and running. So far, so good.

Playing with their friends (L to R: Victor, Charlotte, Micaiah, Aolani, Miranda)
Play-doh time (we have used straws, dried pasta, and rubber stamps with it thus far)
Sticky table (tape down contact paper with sticky side up; we let her add paint chips, tissue paper, glitter, pom-poms, fake jewel bits, sequins, buttons, yarn pieces...)

  • Verse to memorize this week: Jeremiah 33:3 ~ "Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know."