We all know that words have powerful: to create, to craft, to exorcise, to devour, to build…
Anyway, so I have been learning that I don’t want to speak what I see or feel (what carnal people call reality). But I want to speak the Word of God (or at least what I want to see happen since I don’t want to give consent or permission to my flesh to continue it’s way) since I know that is reality.
While I have changed the way I say many things (knowing that will eventually change my way of thinking), I still act dumbfounded and grapple for words when I’m asked the most simple and basic questions: How are you? How are you doing? How are you feeling?
So, here are some of my premeditated and constructed answers:
I am blessed.I am grateful.By His stripes, I’m healed.I am pressing in.I am full of praise.My body is a work in progress.
Amen for TRUTH!