Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Ready (held by grace)

  • We have not had company for a week; so, things have slowed on that front. Ricky's family come visit this weekend. Ricky is just now turning in a 900-page transcript (yuck!), which is his longest one yet (he's only slept five hours total in the past three nights :( ).
  • Aolani's antics: she has had seldom nightmares (or terrors) where she will let out a loud wail or blood-curdling scream and then go right on sleeping, repeats every word we say, my favorite words are precious/delicious/hungry/thirsty/praise the Lord, constantly sings Jesus Loves Me (see video), lined up the prayer pillows and stuck them halfway under the couch and laid her dolls on each one to pray, puts her teddy bear down for frequent naps throughout the day (light off, fan on, locked in her crib, shut door) and tells me when he needs a nap and when he wakes up, corrected Ricky that Aowani takes baths and Mommy takes showers... She received this board game (Diggity Dog) for Christmas for ages three and up; she didn't really play very well then (too young and wild). However, we got it out over the weekend, and she did so well for a two and a half year old -- she got the colors, instructions, set-up, and numbers (1, 2, 3) parts of the game, but she didn't grasp the competition or winning/losing aspect (just keep going around). Her attention span was shot after about 15 minutes :)
  • Micaiah's mishaps: can put his weight on his knees, slides backwards across the floor, is addicted to Mommy, his hair is growing so soft and long (straight like his Daddy's hair), discovered his shadow yesterday, and his top teeth are breaking through this week :) [Update: I still feed him a small amount of prunes everyday for lunch, and it works!]
  • The video below has this stunt at the end of it; however, these action shots turned out so clear and fun!

  • Verse to memorize this week: Colossians 1:17 ~ He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.