Monday, September 20, 2010

A Flower Amongst Flowers

  • Aolani turned 7 months old over the weekend.

  • Her two new foods this week were bananas and homemade stewed apples. And she still purses her mouth closed and jerks her head away when food is in sight. Oh well. I think we're going to take a little break. There's no rush, and I don't want to force-feed her.

  • Ricky and I went on a date yesterday afternoon. To Buffalo Wild Wings. Very romantic. Broncos versus Seahawks. The latter went home squawkin' (sorry honey)! We were a bit too conspicuous in our little corner. With the chessboard on the table. Multi-tasking ;) And, I think all of the staff knew it because they were smirking and asking us who won the chess match as we were leaving. This reminds me of the time I took a schoolbook to catch up on some homework at a Reds baseball game in college. Unaware, the mascot came up behind me, grabbed my book away, and threatened to toss it over the fence. I was a little embarrassed. Or, when Ricky snuck a chessboard into his middle school dance. Yeah, we're two-of-a-kind... kind meaning nerds. But hey, an anonymous guest picked up our tab for us. Thank you to whoever you are. The popcorn shrimp were tasty :)

  • Verse to memorize this week: Ephesians 4:29 ~ Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.