Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Rolling into a Blur

  • First week of May: We enjoyed a day visit from a friend; had old neighbors over for dinner; and, helped host a health and wellness event for the Marshallese in our community (we even had an interpreter). My friend taught, I organized, and Ricky had a Poppin’ Party with all the kids!
  • Second week of May: We had more friends over for dinner; Ricky worked out of county most of the week; and, Ricky’s dad and brother came for a long weekend. We went to Sierra Nevada in Asheville one day and had a blast, but I think I got food poisoning that knocked me out for a day. Thankful that the big kids still got to go to church and small group :)
  • Third week of May: Ricky’s brother took his dad to the airport to fly out and picked up his mom who flew in to visit for a week — Ricky’s brother got sick the next day and had to leave two days early; the big kids got haircuts; we got to go on a movie theater date; a friend stayed the night; and, we all went to Boone for an overnight mini-vacation and to celebrate 11 years of being yoked together ;)
  • Fourth week of May: Ricky worked out of county three days this week; Aolani and the adults had dentist appointments and celebrated with milkshakes afterwards; went to a friend’s birthday party; and, went to small group.
  • Fifth week of May: A dear friend took our big kids along with her kids to a local children’s museum for a day; we went to an old friend’s house in the mountains for dinner (reconnected with one of my teachers from high school!); went to a Marshallese birthday party for one year old twins that was still going on after midnight :) ; a friend visits overnight; and, Ricky invited some Marshallese teenage boys over to watch basketball.
  • After much thought and discussion, we decided to give Aolani a dollar a day during the week for all of the ways she helps me around the house and with the baby while Daddy works :)
  • I helped Micaiah change his first poopy diaper!
  • Raphael grew really strong this month! He rolls and moves around everywhere. He’s teething and sucks/chews on his fingers. The hair on his head is finally growing. He is quick to smile, and he poops twice a day. He is getting louder and more talkative by the day. He especially loves his family and siblings. He nurses for about five minutes every hour and a half. And he still sleeps from around 1am until 1pm, waking twice to nurse. Generally, he naps three times a day. We started solid food toward the end of the month — avocado and butternut squash. He is beginning to really like playing peekaboo and started playing in a walker. Raphael is also really responsive to me — enjoys my presence and wants me. Overall, he is still a happy and easy baby whom everybody loves and adores!
  • School verses: Micaiah -- Psalm 51:10, Romans 14:11, 2 Timothy 1: 7, Mark 16:15  ; Aolani -- 1 Timothy 4:12, 1 Peter 1:24-25, Ephesians 2:8, John 8:12, Romans 8:37