Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Time Marches, Baby Crawls

  • Over the weekend at church, we (Ricky, really) got to share about our love for the Persecuted Church and invite others to learn about and pray for our brethren (samples of inspiring short stories here).
  • Ricky had to work from home all day Saturday on another 900-page transcript that is due this Friday :( It's a doozy.
  • Ricky surprised me on my half birthday last week by bringing home cupcakes (from the local bakery) and a Redbox. [We watched October Baby. Oh man. I bawled through the whole thing -- highly recommended!]
  • Well, the biggest news around here is that we have begun closing doors again (the pull-up bar in the bathroom doorway is down). Yep, Micaiah has started crawling, several days before he turned 10 months old. [Aolani rolled over at 4 months and crawled at 8 months. Micaiah, 6 months and 10 months. There is a similar 4-month window!] The video below is right when he started crawling. In a week's time, he can move much faster now. He loves the washer/dryer/laundry area; he follows me into the bathroom. He does not like being left alone but wants to be where we are. He squeals with delight as he crawls, as if to say Here I am! Look at me! I'm coming!
  • Micaiah's mishaps: the day after we get home from Florida, Micaiah begins to clap and play peekaboo (I think he took notes from his one-year-old cousin), is constantly spinning around while sitting, enjoys tasting and touching the wheelchair, pulls up on his knees, is slowly moving towards chunky baby food (we tried some table food but gags on most still), flips the pages of the book when we read, loves the water, likes to open and close the oven door on the play kitchen, lights up when Aolani plays with or includes him, poops daily without us feeding him prunes anymore, always demands Ricky's attention when Ricky is home (wait, so does Aolani... and me... poor hubby -- he says It's good to be wanted though), cries easily (may be emotionally sensitive like Ricky), etc.
  • Aolani's antics: counts up to eleven, put Ricky in timeout and spanked his thigh tonight (!), never cries or complains when the baby wakes her up at night, her toddler go-to word is yes (not NO), still has nightmares occasionally and wakes up crying until I go in and comfort/rub her, is still struggling with that sickness she got last weekend (except that now it is just a little cough at night that Micaiah shares too, of course, so the humidifier is on at night), her favorite toy has become wooden building blocks, does gymnastics on all my handrails in the bathroom, helps set the table and clean up after dinner, understands everything (it seems), is getting better at pretend-play, and always wants to be involved in what we are doing!
  • I don't think I could adequately portray how much these two love and adore each other, but it is sweet for me to behold (i.e., they have this game where Aolani squeezes and kisses him and they both giggle -- repeatedly -- while he is on my lap trying to nurse after his morning nap). Micaiah even responds to her calling, "Baby!"
  • I nurse them simultaneously in the morning, and they are so adorable then -- touching, rubbing, holding hands... I had read that tandem nursing may help with sibling rivalry; seems true so far.

 The toddler perch (seriously, putting the changing table in front of a window has been a great thing for baby and mommy)
 We put Micaiah in a box with some toys in the kitchen one evening while Daddy cooked -- contained and content (and with us) :)
    Micaiah's first crawl and clap [and our homemade hoop]
  • Verse to memorize this week: Galatians 6:8 ~ Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.