Tuesday, June 28, 2011

People and Parties, All Year!

  • All week it has been one social thing after another! We prepared dinner for a missionary family, played with five kids (that even put all the toys back before leaving!), went swimming with another family, and hosted a missionary. It was a lot of attention for Aolani, who ate it up!
  • The question I get the most often: Doesn't Aolani walking make things more difficult? No, it is actually easier! Mainly because once she could crawl, all she would do is wiggle and squirm on my lap, sometimes very forcefully, bringing stress. She is so active and wanted to go off on her own; I just held her back. We were both miserable, wrestling all the time. I was just counting down the days until she could walk! Oh, and now I can go to the restroom when I want -- SCORE. Yes, she does get into trouble, but we are still happier :)
  • I am over 16 weeks pregnant, and we hope to find out the sex in the next few weeks. The doctor has moved my due date forward a whole day to Dec. 12 -- I just say mid-December or whenever baby is ready!
  • During my first trimester, Ricky would make toast (cinnamon-raisin) every morning and feed us girls in bed! Alas, this time has come to an end, and Aolani is devastated that her breakfast-appetizer tradition is no more :(
  • Our niece, Kylie, calls Grandma (my mom) -- Moggle ;) We'll say G-G-Grandma. She'll say G-G-Moggle! It's classic.
  • Aolani's newest antics: She shakes her head no when you offer her the wrong thing, stacks her stacking rings and blocks, copies my laugh by throwing her head back and gasping, carries purses and bags around and especially to the door so that she can turn and wave, says bye-bye to us from inside her crib when we leave the room, and loves to take her diaper off (I am not a fan of this skill).
  • Verse to memorize this week: Matthew 22:36-9 ~ “Teacher, which is the most important commandment in the law of Moses?” Jesus replied, “‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’"