"Christians are like bedbugs. Don't trouble them. As you continue to crush them, they would increase in numbers as bugs. Instead give them all conveniences. In the comforts, they would flourish and start fighting among themselves, and be separated as sects, and in the end they will just disappear as insignificant insects." ~ Rajagopalachariar (GG of India)
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
May We Not Be Like Bedbugs
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
The Best Ever
- Three weeks ago: We got to have daily visits from local friends, attend friends' son birthday party at a park, swim at a friend's house, and go on our monthly prayer walk. Our prayer walks consist of just our family. We rotate turns of picking a street in our city (Micaiah picked this time), and then we just knock on doors, introduce ourselves, and pray for/with them. I usually last about an hour. Simple as that.
- Two weeks ago: We had some friends over for dinner one night (and laughed out loud a lot) and our small group over for fellowship. Ricky also had to go to our storage unit and ,transfer our stuff to a smaller unit.
- Last week: We got to meet a new couple and have them over for dinner (the lady is in a wheelchair too), and we had a dear friend come visit for a few days. We did art, played games, taught school, cooked, and went out to the Hot Springs :) Her trip happened to align with her escape from the hurricane! Also, some Marshall Islanders friends went with us to church : )
- Micaiah's mishaps: is daily practicing letter recognition (I want perfection before I attempt teaching this boy to read!); the kids were helping me transfer one day and when I safely made it in my wheelchair, he excitedly shouted, "BEST DAY EVER!!" (it was too cute); his favorite snake is the vipon (viper+python); and, kept calling the hurricane a volcano ;)
- Aolani's antics: is really good at math, enjoys handwriting, and Bible-reading is her favorite part of her school; and, thought that ibexes was the real name and ibex is just the nickname ;)
Seashell cupholders (they each made one)
When you walk in our front door, this is the new set-up you see
The kids went swimming in our friends' little pool, and Mommy forgot to pack dry clothes ;)
Star-gazing ;)
Afternoon routine
Aolani braided her own hair for the first time :)
- School verses: Micaiah -- James 5:8, 1 Corinthians 14:40, Proverbs 10:4 ; Aolani -- Jeremiah 29:11, and 2 other verses she already knows
- Verses to memorize lately: 2 Corinthians 5:6-9
Sunday, October 2, 2016
Do Not Lose Heart
Therefore, since through God’s mercy we have this ministry, we do not lose heart... Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. ~ 2 Corinthians 4:1, 16When I was memorizing the fourth chapter of second Corinthians, it's hard not to notice the same phrase repeated twice. Do not lose heart.
There are so many verses in the Bible from the Israelites going into battle to Paul commending us to persevere and not give up. God knows we are weak, finite beings and need much encouragement because life is hard for us.
I've been reminded several times lately about Derek Redmond's story in the '92 Olympics (video link) and how his dad pushed aside the guards to reach his son and help him finish the race. How our Father brushes aside the opposition to get to us and help us finish the race*. Together. We are not left alone, so
Do not lose heart.
*The race not being achieving salvation or getting to Heaven (that is solely a work of God alone); the race being reaching the end of your earthly days and still holding fast to the faith.