Shares of --
Insight: John Calvin called the human heart an “idol-making machine.” Maybe when we take our thoughts captive to make them obedient to Christ, we are throwing a wrench in the machine...
Truth: "Grace is the kryptonite to pride. It is the only element the world has ever known that effectively takes pride by the root and pulls it out." ~ Joe Coffey, Red Like Blood
Prayer: "I walk towards eternity with hands held high" ~ Will Reagan, Pilgrim Days
Friday, October 30, 2015
Now What?
- While we have some event every weekend during the months of October and November, there was a stretch of craziness in the midst where we had fun activities almost every day. And that time just ended. We had one normal day out of the past 10! [Very, very little computer time.] Our events: family trip to park, babysit neighbors, visit to apple orchard to pick our apples with some friends, pizza/movie night, church, went on a date to a Josh Garrels' concert (first concert since college!) in another city, we met my mom in Raleigh for a short visit and we four enjoyed a "school field trip day" (children's museum, picnic, park) while Ricky attended a work conference, met relatives for dinner, many helpers, more babysitting, guys' night, a pregnancy care center banquet, art with friends, lunch with missionary friends, more babysitting, a friend coming to stay overnight, organizing and preparing a friend's baby shower which happened and was really lovely, another pizza/movie night, church, and hosted our small group meeting. Phew! A lot of work, emotion, and activity. Very little sleep :( Definitely had to take the week off from schooling! :)
Apple doughnuts on the wagon ride at the apple orchard
If we were home, this was us!
Scratch that... in the car too!
At the concert, they sat us to the side of the stage in the sound booth, so we could see Josh Garrels perform:)
Children's Museum
Pullen Park in Raleigh, NC (highly recommended)
- School verse: Psalm 34:13 ~ K -- Keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking lies.
- Verse passage to memorize next is Psalm 95:1-7. I'll do the first two verses this week ~ Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song.
Saturday, October 17, 2015
A Life Full, of Thanks
- We had all the normal week events (schooling, helpers, friends, art, pizza/movie night, visited a different church to hear a speaker, small group), we had two new events. The kids began going to a weekly art class :) Also, Ricky and I went to a local, two-day Christian parenting conference, and we learned a lot! Some friends watched our kids for us for the whole thing!
- After two weeks straight of nothing but rain, it was so nice to see the sun again last week :)
- Micaiah is professing his love for the 10-yo neighbor girl because she has "a beautiful voice"; we think he might really auditory ;)
Edible science projects *the joys of homeschool*
Building at the end of their new art class
with neighbor's turtle
- School verse: Hebrews 13:8 ~ J -- Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.
- Verses to memorize next: Psalm 87:7 ~ As they make music they will sing, “All my fountains are in you.”
Friday, October 9, 2015
Hearing then Speaking
Hearing from God --
Distinguishing His voice definitely gets easier for me the more I'm in the Word. Because we are contaminated (battle) with our flesh, the Word is supreme over the Spirit's voice/leading. My flesh can sabotage and confuse and mislead and misinterpret -- ugh! So, whenever I hear Him, I always dissect it and hold it up to the scrutiny of His Word.
And now --
Actually, He speaks to me less frequently nowadays. I use to be perturbed/upset over this for a few years, until He spoke to me about it and His Spirit laid it out for me. I know it is just a phase/time/season/chapter for me and my life.
Obeying God to share --
He usually told me things or showed me visions about/for other believers. In which case, I would tell them. I don't really struggle with fear of man, so it wasn't too hard to obey, shrug it off, and go on my merry way. I guess it's a matter of doing my part and then just having to trust the Spirit to take over and explain it to their hearts or redeem my words if I botched the message (I'm a botcher). I move on rather easily and don't dwell on stuff. Now, if it's a word for a nonbeliever, I have a harder time because I struggle with the fear of screwing it all up for them and becoming a hindrance to the faith (I know this is unreasonable).
Distinguishing His voice definitely gets easier for me the more I'm in the Word. Because we are contaminated (battle) with our flesh, the Word is supreme over the Spirit's voice/leading. My flesh can sabotage and confuse and mislead and misinterpret -- ugh! So, whenever I hear Him, I always dissect it and hold it up to the scrutiny of His Word.
And now --
Actually, He speaks to me less frequently nowadays. I use to be perturbed/upset over this for a few years, until He spoke to me about it and His Spirit laid it out for me. I know it is just a phase/time/season/chapter for me and my life.
Obeying God to share --
He usually told me things or showed me visions about/for other believers. In which case, I would tell them. I don't really struggle with fear of man, so it wasn't too hard to obey, shrug it off, and go on my merry way. I guess it's a matter of doing my part and then just having to trust the Spirit to take over and explain it to their hearts or redeem my words if I botched the message (I'm a botcher). I move on rather easily and don't dwell on stuff. Now, if it's a word for a nonbeliever, I have a harder time because I struggle with the fear of screwing it all up for them and becoming a hindrance to the faith (I know this is unreasonable).
Thursday, October 8, 2015
The Calm Before
- A nice, simple week and easygoing weekend before a packed month begins! My parents stayed an extra day to help me and the kids while Ricky worked a 13-hour day out-of-county, flea market, pizza/movie night, church, skyped with a college friend...
- Sorry, I was slack on notes and pictures!
Our Sunday afternoon ritual
- School verse: John 15:5 ~ I -- I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in Me and I in him, he will bear much fruit. Apart from Me you can do nothing.
- Verses to memorize next: Psalm 63:7-8 ~ Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings. I cling to you; your right hand upholds me.
Saturday, October 3, 2015
Motivation to Speak
Some personal off-hand motivators for finding the strength and faith to obey God (this may be applicable in general, but I am specifically addressing obeying God by talking to others about what God has told or shown me) --
- Regret; I hate it and want to avoid it.
- Fear of God and having to stand before Him that day.
- Love for Him and knowing whatever He is asking of me is miniscule compared to His love for me.
- Growing in humility makes speaking to others way easier.
- Memorizing Scripture.
- Perspective; I don't get this moment again. The one good thing that we don't get to do in heaven is evangelism.
- Prayer!
These are not in any kind of order, just random!
Thursday, October 1, 2015
My Specials
- My parents visited for five days including the weekend. It was a nice, low-key time :) Besides the normal pizza/movie night, board games, Studio C, church, small group, dining out once, the only unique event was that Ricky and I got to host a speaker from Samaritan Ministries presenting at our church on Sunday. It went really well and renewed our passion for SMI (we also learned a lot of new stuff) :)
- Aolani's antics: wanted to wear her new dress-up dress everyday and kept practicing her curtsy ;)
- Micaiah's mishaps: wrapped his arms around Aolani and myself and announced, "My special girls!", told me that he wants to read like his sister, and is still recovering from an upset tummy.
Curtsies in new play dress (and my maternal grandmother's beads)
New costume and chainsaw
More curtsies and Ricky's old lincoln logs
Expressive Micaiah
Playing puzzles on Papa's IPAD
- School verse: Exodus 20:12 ~ H -- Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you.
- Verses to memorize next: Psalm 63:5-6 ~ I will be fully satisfied as with the richest of foods; with singing lips my mouth will praise you. On my bed I remember you; I think of you through the watches of the night.